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Thousands of testimonials have been received from John Volken Academy participants.

Student Success

“The John Volken Academy has molded me into THE MAN I HAVE ALWAYS WANTED TO BE. I have learned so much about the Academy; Work ethics, communications skills, and leadership qualities to name just a few.”

“I tried and failed at many recovery programs…This program has changed my thinking, attitude, and behaviors. I’M A DIFFERENT PERSON. I like myself…words are difficult for me to describe how I truly feel about the John Volken Academy…I AM BLESSED.”

“I wish that people who are addicted to drugs and alcohol knew that there was HOPE AND AN ABUNDANT LIFE waiting for them…I tried to get clean for years.”

“I hated joining a program, but I hated my life even more. All that hate TURNED TO LOVE.”

“I kept myself imprisoned and a slave to my addiction…I really don’t know how I’ve made it that far…Thank you for providing A SAFE AND STRUCTURED PLAN…I love you…Thank you for BELIEVING IN ME.”

“No one thought I’d ever clean up and make something of myself…Writing this letter is proof that I BEAT ALL ODDS.”

Award Stories

“Before I came to the John Volken Academy I determined that my life was hopeless and I would die addicted to heroin. My addiction has not only destroyed my life but my family’s as well. Today I want to preach to the world that TRUE RECOVERY IS ATTAINABLE.”

We have hundreds of testimonials from parents and family members who saw a complete transformation in their loved ones after graduating from our substance abuse rehab.